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What does SEND mean?

t can mean anything from Speech and Language issues to severe disabilities.... either way all children who struggle with their learning and development need support. At Yellow Brick Rd Nursery we are lucky to have an Area SENDCo Leigh Moore and she spends time supporting the families of the children with SEN. This support starts with observations of the children then meeting the parents and starting the journey through the minefield of paperwork required for them to access support at Primary School.

Please check this section of our website for updates and links to information that you may find useful being a parent of a child with SEND.


The Role of the SENDCo 

Leigh Moore is our Area SENDCo, and she has many years experience in childcare and holds a Degree in Early Childhood. Leigh will visit each setting with an identified Child with SEN whether diagnosed or not and complete observations, with the parents consent. Leigh will then support the parents with completing a one plan for the child. This is a document which goes into detail about their interests, their behaviour and where they are using the EYFS as a monitoring tool. After completing 3 rounds of one planning Leigh can then help apply for and EHCP when and if necessary. Leigh can also signpost parents to support with Speech and Language, or arrange a referral to a paediatrician too.

Angela Craig

AutoPrint Clacton & Harwich

07488 393248

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